Utilising the latest in handheld laser projection technology, writer and historian Michael Shelford, beams images of notorious characters from the 1890’s to the 1930’s onto the buildings and streets they once inhabited. Take a walk through downtown Melbourne and learn of an era in which there was much more on offer at the local candy store than just sweets and soft drinks. Explore Melbourne’s underworld c.1870’s to 1930’s, an era in which Melbourne’s downtown slum district, ‘Little Lon’, was mostly run by women. Learn about the battle for supremacy, madams who stood their ground against well-known gangsters such as Squizzy Taylor, and an all-female crime syndicate known as ‘The Combine’. Stop outside buildings which were once brothels and sly grog shops (speak easies), and hear the stories of what occurred within their walls and on the streets and laneways around them.
Shootings, bombings, bashings, brothels, robberies, opium, cocaine and sly grog (speak easies).